How can i GET PurchaseReceipt - List of Lines that are for a certain PO number? I cannot seem to filter by expanded objects.
Otherwise to get all Receipt Lines against a certain PO I will need to dig out all receip[ts for a supplier and loop through all returned lines to get my filtered list.
here is my API call returning a 500 - "The parent value for a property access of a property 'POOrderNbr' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value.",
/entity/Default/22.200.001/PurchaseReceipt/?$expand=Details&$filter=VendorID eq 'V000000001' and Details/POOrderNbr eq '000018'
or is there a way to query ReceiptLines seperately?
You cannot filter expanded details by any field in Acumatica's REST API. The most efficient way to retrieve Purchase Receipt Lines for a specific Purchase Order is to use a DAC-based OData query.
You can achieve this by sending a GET request to the following URL:
That wont help @Vignesh Ponnusamy as a receipt can be for multiple PO’s and the line/details based OrderNbr is the only relevant one. In fact there is no header OrderNbr as you have suggested.
@harutyungevorgyan I was hoping to not have to use a different method, when my scripts are logged in via API and managing that,
Any other solution guys? if not I will look at the DAC/ODATA option.
That wont help @Vignesh Ponnusamy as a receipt can be for multiple PO’s and the line/details based OrderNbr is the only relevant one. In fact there is no header OrderNbr as you have suggested.
@harutyungevorgyan I was hoping to not have to use a different method, when my scripts are logged in via API and managing that,
Any other solution guys? if not I will look at the DAC/ODATA option.
You can create a Generic Inquiry with the filters you need and result set limited to the data (POReceiptLine) you need, extend the Web Service Endpoint, then work with that GI from REST API. That should not require a separate session.
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