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Hi Forum, 

I recently created a Generic Inquiry and then Created an Entity on the Web Services panel extending the default endpoint. I followed the steps on this link:

The Guide works perfect, I could create the entity, I could retrieve the data using a Put method on Postman and everything seems fine, But, Now if I tried to filter the data using the information from one of the fields in the Results (The ProjectID). I can not filter the information. I tried to use the next query but it gives me the error shows in the image below: 

Query working: 


Query not working: 


My intention is not to just get the information in the Generic Inquiry, I can do that very easy with the Generic Inquiry directly, my end goal is to be able to update data on the Generic Inquiry. I want to update one field from the table I’m using in the Generic Inquiry. 

Please your help to know if I’m doing something wrong on my Query on Postman that I need to change. 


Hi @hortega Have you  enabled and configured the mass update option on the Generic Inquiry that your are testing.. 

Hi @hortega Have you  enabled and configured the mass update option on the Generic Inquiry that your are testing.. 

I don’t because I don’t have an Entry Screen. This is a Generic Inquiry generated from Scratch and I don’t know how to create an Entry Screen or what to do if this is the case and cause of the issue. Please see an screenshot of the settings I have for now.

Could you please help me with a Link where I can read more about it. 



@hortega  Have you provided the $filter like below and tried?


API URL with FILTER Condition


Also, here is the article for you help you on the ENTRY POINT with Mass Updates.

 GI - Mass Updates


I dont think what you are trying to achieve is even possible.

You already have parameters on your GI. If you require additional filtering, you could add those fields to the GI parameters and use them in the body of your API call.

alternatively, you could use odata and add filters to your query.

As far as “end goal is to be able to update data on the Generic Inquiry”, I am not sure what you mean by it or how to do that. subscribing to thread what others have to say and how could we do that 

@RohitRattan88 @Naveen Boga I’m also facing same issue, please see below

@hortega If you got the solution for your question you can help me on this.


End Point:


Method: PUT
URL:$expand=VCBillAdjustmentDetails  (Edited)

Body: { "Param1": {"Value": "000073"}}

Instead of getting filtered response results, I’m getting all results in the response
