I have this call:
PUT {{url}}/entity/Default/22.200.001/TimeEntry
Authorization: Bearer {{authToken}}
Content-Type: application/json
"Summary" : {"value" : "Time entry summary"},
"Date" : {"value" : "2024-08-29T09:00:00" },
"Employee" : {"value" : "EMP001" },
"ProjectID" : {"value" : "CA.1001" },
"ProjectTaskID" : {"value" : "ANNUAL PAID" },
"EarningType" : {"value" : "VL" },
"TimeSpent" : {"value" : "08:00" }
The response comes back with an error (shortened):
{ "id": "5fd70d80-0b66-ef11-96a7-00155dc9a206", "rowNumber": 1, "note": { "value": "" }, "error": "Inserting 'Time Activity' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.",
"Employee": { "value": "EMP001", "error": "Employee 'EMP001' cannot be found in the system." },
Now, ‘EMP001’ definitely exists and is ‘Active”. I have even tried add the user to the “Administrator” role, but I still get the error.
Any ideas would be appreciated.