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There seems to be a bug with the Set as Primary button on an Opportunity.

Here are the steps to produce:

  1. Create an Opportunity
  2. Create a Project Quote. Ensure you set its Opportunity ID to be the Opportunity ID of the Opportunity we created in step 1
  3. Create another Project Quote and also set its Opportunity ID to be the Opportunity ID of the Opportunity we created in step 1
  4. Use some mechanism to fetch both project quotes, I just use Postman. Note their LastModifiedDateTime’s…
  5. Click the Set as Primary button on the Opportunity for the Project Quote that is not presently the Primary one (we specifically choose this Project Quote as this is a data change and should -- at least, in theory -- update the LastModifiedDateTime of the Project Quotes)
  6. Repeat step 4. Note both of their LastModifiedDateTimes remain unchanged.

Is this a known bug or planned to be fixed? Our company uses the LastModifiedDateTimes for DB syncs and this is a major problem for us. I’m aware of workarounds and plan to address the problem myself with a customization project solution. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

Thanks all!

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