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Blanket Sales Order: how to create child orders via API?

  • 4 September 2024
  • 4 replies

How is it possible to invoke the “Create Child Orders” action using the REST API?

Hi @dominicfedco,

Yes, it is possible. Actions can be invoked through REST API.

Please go through the link below you can find the example.

Thanks for the reply @praveenpo!


The “Web Service Endpoints” screen lists several actions for the /SalesOrder endpoint, but “Create Child Orders” is not among them.

Perhaps the endpoint needs to be extended in order to map this action?

Yes @dominicfedco , you can extend the endpoint and add the action.

I was able to successfully invoke the action using the REST API after extending the SalesOrder entity to map the CreateChildOrders action. Thank you, @praveenpo!
