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Hi Team,
I have a small question about Acumatica Endpoints.
I am using the following endpoint to integrate data from our test Acumatica account.



But I see that on production some of our Clients use only the HOST to integrate data. 

I mean https://{HOST} , without AcumaticaERP/.


I would be very grateful if you could clarify where in Acumatica can I check the true Endpoint.
Or what is the standard Endpoint that Acumatica recommends using to integrate data?

I’m just taking a guess but I think that part is to do with the version you are useing / who is hosting. In Australia and NewZealand Acumatica is run by MYOB and branded MYOBAdvanced so we use https://{{HOST}} Sorry I don’t have an answer but I assume the version with “AcumaticaERP/.” is hosted by AcumaticaERP.

Thank you!

Hi Team,
I have a small question about Acumatica Endpoints.
I am using the following endpoint to integrate data from our test Acumatica account.



But I see that on production some of our Clients use only the HOST to integrate data. 

I mean https://{HOST} , without AcumaticaERP/.


I would be very grateful if you could clarify where in Acumatica can I check the true Endpoint.
Or what is the standard Endpoint that Acumatica recommends using to integrate data?

Where your API endpoint is located is tied to how IIS is configured to serve the site Acumatica is running on. 

By default, the ERP configuration application creates a virtual directory for Acumatica.  In your case it was called AcumaticaERP. The red box in this image shows where this choice was made:

For many production instances, the site created in IIS for Acumatica serves only the ERP.  As such a virtual directory is not required (and is usually not preferred).  When Acumatica is first installed, an empty site would be created in IIS before running the ERP configuration tool.  When one gets to the step pictured in the image above, they would pick the site that is not “Default Web Site” and then deselect the “Create Virtual Directory” checkbox.

I think a screenshot would illustrate this.  Here is my local IIS interface with a couple Acumatica virtual directories visible.  My dev endpoint has /Porchlight/ before the /entity/Default/20.200.00 path for the default web service.  This coincides with the virtual directory this instance runs off of in IIS like below.


In production, the default IIS site has nothing in it.  Instead a second site was created just for our production instance.  There are no virtual directories involved so our production API endpoint uses just the domain name before the API path starts.

Inside Acumatica you can view a web service endpoint’s definition by clicking the button with a similar name and selecting Open API (or WSDL if you’re using Soap with an older version).


This will open a new tab with a JSON representation of your endpoint using Swagger.  At the very top it’ll show you the host and base path, similar to below.  If the site in question has a virtual directory, it’ll show up in the basePath before /entity.

  "host": "",  "basePath": "/entity/Default/20.200.001",

This is kind of overkill though, you can infer your endpoint’s URL by taking the URL you access the UI with and put /entity/ENDPOINTNAME/ENDPOINTVERSION at the end of it.  
