I need to allow for overpicking in WMS. I have this working ok by overriding GetQtyThreshold and arbitrarily setting the threshold high and ignoring the Threshold set by the SO line. This works fine if I have more than one items and one item not picked yet.
public class PickPackShip_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.SO.WMS.PickPackShip.Host>
public static bool IsActive() => true;
public delegate Decimal GetQtyThresholdDelegate(SOShipLineSplit sosplit);
public Decimal GetQtyThreshold(SOShipLineSplit sosplit, GetQtyThresholdDelegate baseMethod)
/* This is the standard Acumatica code, and I don't want to use this.
decimal threshold =
.View.Select(this, sosplit.ShipmentNbr, sosplit.LineNbr)
.TopFirst?.CompleteQtyMax ?? 100m;
return threshold / 100m;
//So Just returning high number to allow for overpicking up to 1000%.
return 1000;
However when all the Shipment lines have the picked quantity greater than the ordered quantity, Acumatica sets the status to Picked and you cannot scan any more items. I need to override this so the status doesn’t change to Picked.
I don’t know what to override to change this behaviour.
In Acumatica code there is this class:
public new sealed class ShipmentState : PickPackShip.ShipmentState
protected override void SetNextState()
var mode = Basis.Get<PackMode.Logic>();
if (Basis.Remove == true || mode.CanPack || mode.HasConfirmableBoxes)
Basis.SetScanState(BuiltinScanStates.Command, PackMode.Msg.Completed, Basis.RefNbr);
This is where it is setting the scan state to Completed. How would I go about changing overriding this so I can control when it goes to Completed Status?