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Something I learned the other day is when you create a snapshot that you intend to use in another tenant of the same instance, if you create a snapshot without attachments, you will be missing any files that are part of your customization projects.  You’ll need to export the customization projects from the source tenant and then re-import them into the target tenant.

The error message I received was as follows:

PX.Data.PXException: Cannot access the uploaded file. Failed to get the latest revision of the file ecda4140-4831-4fe6-8674-68d14dec4445
at Customization.CstBinFile.GetFileFromDb()
at Customization.CstBinFile.SaveFiles(FilesCollection context)
at Customization.CstDocument.GetFiles(FilesCollection context)
at Customization.CstManager.ValidateDocument(CstDocument doc, Action`1 logMessageDelegate, Boolean patchLibInDB)
at PX.Customization.CstValidationProcess.ValidateCurrentDocument(Action`1 logMessage, String& warnings)
at PX.Customization.CstValidationProcess.CompileInternal()
at PX.Customization.CstValidationProcess.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<ProcessRequest>b__0()


Hi @Django ,

When working with snapshots and customization on a new instance I would recommend this approach:

-Create the new instance(Acumatica).

-Publish Customization Projects(latest version) in the new instance.

-In the new instance,then import/restore Snapshot.

-After snapshot restored, if customization is not publish then republish the Customization project(Make sure the customization is the latest version of it, re-import customization if you are not sure).

About the error message you were getting please review the following post:

Hope this helps.
