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       I met an issue, I don’t know how serious it is. Because the system behavior looks OK.  But It is indeed strange. 
Luckily, I got this issue on a test environment, but I still need help.


     I did some test on shipment workflow days ago. And it seems like something is broken.  When I try to create a NEW shipment, the status is disappear, so the new shipment can not be saved.

       In Order to solve the above issue, I unpublished the issue customization projects and import a backup right 1 and republish. The status issue has solved.

      But Unfortunately, the “default workflow” is disappeared


          How can I add the default workflow back?

I assume the default workflow information is stored in DB, so I even tried “repair database” by Acumatica wizard. But without any luck.

And also, when I tried to “customize workflow” by view the date diagram, it shows the below error:


I also checked all tables starts with “AUworkflow”, they are all empty.
So, where is the default information be kept and how can I restore to default?

I found answer below

It solved the issue

