Hi all !
I’m facing a localization issue in screen SM206036 (BLC SYImportProcessSingle) with button “Add Substitution” (action “addSubstitutions”) in Acumatica 22.207. Even throught I set the french translation in dictionary for “Add Substitution” expression, the label of this button remains in English in the screen.
Below, here is the original screen :
Below, the translated screen :
Notes :
I stopped and restarted IIS after this change to force localization refresh,
As far as I could see, we do not have any customization on this screen
That’s weird because the translation of button (action “switchActivation”) just right next button “Add Substitution” wotks fine.
Note : same issue with “Replace” (action “viewReplacement”).
As I could see, the “switchActivation” action is directly defined in BLC SYImportProcessSingle used by the screen whereas action “addSubstitutions” is defined in a parent class : SYProcess. The inheritance chainis the following one :
SYImportProcessSingle ->SYImportProcess -> SYProcess -> PXGraph
Would it be possible that the Acumatica localization process doesn’t detect the “addSubstitutions” label because of that ?
Of course, I could force the text using a customization but I’d rather use the standard localization process.