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Hi all !

I’m facing a localization issue in screen SM206036 (BLC SYImportProcessSingle) with button “Add Substitution” (action “addSubstitutions”) in Acumatica 22.207. Even throught I set the french translation in dictionary for “Add Substitution” expression, the label of this button remains in English in the screen.

Below, here is the original screen :

Below, the translated screen :


Notes :

    I stopped and restarted IIS after this change to force localization refresh,
    As far as I could see, we do not have any customization on this screen

That’s weird because the translation of button (action “switchActivation”) just right next button “Add Substitution” wotks fine.

Note : same issue with “Replace” (action “viewReplacement”).

As I could see, the “switchActivation” action is directly defined in BLC SYImportProcessSingle  used by the screen whereas action “addSubstitutions” is defined in a parent class : SYProcess. The inheritance chainis the following one :

SYImportProcessSingle  ->SYImportProcess -> SYProcess -> PXGraph


Would it be possible that the Acumatica localization process doesn’t detect the “addSubstitutions” label because of that ?

Of course, I could force the text using a customization but I’d rather use the standard localization process.

This can also be reproduced in a pure Acumatica instance. So, it is not due to our customization. We opened a ticket with support.

Hi @ygagnaire12 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi Chris,

This problem seems to be an Acumatica bug… that is solved in 23R2. We have experienced it quite recently. In brief, we just have to upgrade Acumatica version.
