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Size vs. Width

  • 13 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Layout Properties… 
Hover over Size property on a control and get the description “The control width.”

Hover over Width property on the same control and get the description “The width of the control.”

Wow, Thanks so much for the clarity! </sarcasm>

How do I set the widths of the Display Name and the Value separately?
How do I set the justification of the value?
How about making a label that has a style applied?


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @PSchirf61 


  1. How do I set the widths of the Display Name and the Value separately? 

            →   Please add the LabelWidth to increase the Display name width size

       2. How do I set the justification of the value?

           → I didn’t get this
      3. How about making a label that has a style applied?

          → Create a CSS file in the App_themes folder and the required the styles (Link for reference -

