hi all, I have created New DAC and new screen just trying to put some data. But after creating new screen the fields inside screen is not showing anything. I have attached the screen shot below. Can anyone guide me how to do it?
PS: I am new to Acumatica
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Hello @tahayabali!
Just to clarify, are you trying to add the fields from your new DAC to the form/grid of your new screen? If so, you’ll be able to do that from screen editor by clicking directly on the node of your new screen (AG209900 in the side panel). It should give you a screen that looks like this:
From there, you can click on the form/grid control and add the fields from the “Add Data Fields” tab:
Since this is a new screen you’re adding, you’ll need to make sure you have graph code with a data view exposed, so that your screen can access the new DAC and list out all of the fields that are available.
This guide on the help website also goes into details about setting up new and existing customized screens if you need any more info: Customized Screens
My dac is not with graph code. Do we have any blog showing how to create a new DAC? I have used customization project and then on data access class I have created DAC.
In general, I would recommend the articles in the Customized Screens/Data Class and Code sections of “Managing Items in a Project” to help get your new screen/DAC up and running. If you need more of a deep dive understanding about developing screens in Acumatica, I would recommend going through the material in the T200 series courses, specifically T220 here on open university if you just want to set up a simple data entry screen: T220 Data Entry and Setup Forms 2024 R1 (acumatica.com)