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Hi everyone,

I have been assigned to create a new order type for Purchase Orders screen and do use a custom numbering attribute for a certain type.

So when I created a new numbering sequence and the necessary code below, but when I try to select a vendor from the selector I get this error:

the code looks like this:

for the POSetup’s DAC Extension: for the new numbering Sequence:

And for the POOrder Extension:


For the POOrderTypeExtension:


For the CustomNumberingPOAttribute:

So if you guys can possibly point out something that I might have been missing, I would really appreciate it.


Looking forward to reviews from the amazing community.

Hi @jdeol,
Did you make the proper database changes for the POSetup’s DAC Extension so that the bound field would actually have something to bind to? 

I tried to reproduce the issue on my end but wasn’t able to get the DomesticRawMatPO option to show up in the Order Type dropdown. I tried to add the code you provided to my project but it didn’t change what I could select in Order Type dropdown. If you can provide more context around how to reproduce your issue perhaps I can take a closer look. Also, in the future, adding your code with the button designed for that would be useful as it allows for easy copy/pasting. Here is an image of the button I'm talking about.


Best of luck!

Philip Engesser

Thanks for the help @paengesser82,


I tried debugging it and it comes out that changing the way of PO Type causes issues way down in the workflow services.

What I wanted was add more dropdown option to the OrderType and change the OrderNumbering from the POSetup. And the error was coming up when trying to select a vendor that is when the error showed up.,

I did check the Database for the POSetup and other custom fields and they were fine.


Since the requirements for this customization changed.

Now I created a new Field on POOrder : UsrCustomOrderType which would be a drop down list

and then created a RowPersisting event that checks that if there is no orderNbr assigned use the DropDown value and set a numberingID for the orderNbr.


Also thanks for pointing out pasting the code, I will keep that in mind.


