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Issue while creating custom page in Visual studio 2019


     I am using Visual Studio 2019 for all my customization development. After upgrading to 22 r2 I am facing issues in creating a new custom page or opening the existing page in design mode. I am using the template provided by Acumatica 22 R1

It throws the following error



Pls, let me know how to fix it.



Best answer by Django

I would recommend using the built in screen design tool that you find within the Customization Projects.  It’s very capable.

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  • Captain II
  • January 6, 2023

I would recommend using the built in screen design tool that you find within the Customization Projects.  It’s very capable.

Hey sir, I got same trouble like this. what should i do for the next?


I see the last comment is the answer, but I didn't get the point. do you want to share it more detail?


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