A lot of the goods our company sells are TLKs - Top Level Kits, essentially bundles of items that are purchased and stocked separately, this means that a lot of the goods we actually sell are non-stock items, made up of various stock items.
I want to make a screen that shows the TLK and it’s components in an easily readable fashion. Ideally, the screen would look something like:
[row 1] TLK1 Description price etc
[row 1.1] component1 Comp1Description etc
[row 1.2] component2 Comp2Description
[row 2] TLK2 ~~~
[row 2.1] ~~~
and it would repeat that for each item. If the item is a TLK then underneath it it would have extra rows showing details about all of its components.
Basically, like a join between InventoryItem and INRelatedInventory, but being able to access all the data from both the TLK and its components.
I’m pretty new to customization projects, and this is my first time attempting to make a new screen with one, so any help would be appreciated. Acumatica doesn’t seem to let you put a grid inside another grid, which was my initial idea.
Alternatively, feel free to suggest any other solutions to this, we have a few Generic Inquiries tackling the same problem but they’re just not quite what we’re after.