I’m first creating a blanket sales order. Then, I create some child orders by splitting the quantity of the blanket order. After selecting one child sales order, I continue the process. During this process, after releasing the relevant POReceipt for that sales order, the 'Shipped Quantity' field of the parent blanket order gets updated. I want to capture this update.I tried using a SOLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated
event handler in the SOOrderEntry
graph, but it is not being triggered. Please check the below screen shot. Please let me know how I can detect when the 'Shipped Quantity' field is being updated.
protected void SOLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
PXTrace.WriteInformation("SOLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated triggered");