We have extended BCSalesOrderProcessor to loop through the Big Commerce modifiers for a line item and append the description to the SOLine description field. It works well, but the problem is that if there are many modifiers the data exceeds the LineDescription field length of 255 characters and is truncated.
Current code:
public class BCSalesOrderProcessor_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Commerce.BigCommerce.BCSalesOrderProcessor>
detail.LineDescription.Value = detail.LineDescription.Value + "\r\n" + GetModifiers(data);
GetModifiers is a function that retrieves the list of modifiers and values for the line.
Options under consideration are:
- Write the description to the sales order line note (looking for syntax to do that)
- Create a custom field on SOLine with more characters OR
- Increase the field size of LineDescription on SOLine
Thoughts or recommendations? If someone can help with the syntax to populate the note from BCSalesOrderProcessor extension that would be awesome too.
Thanks in advance!