Good morning, we are developing a capture in "Form View", I include the image,
In the "Marca" column we must select an element by name and take its key to place it in the corresponding table.
It presents us with 2 problems, the first is that it does not convert long names to its key, it gives us an error that the field is longer than what is defined in the table and it assigns a different key to it; the second problem is that the fields that have an "&" in the name, it removes the ampersan and puts the text in place of the key.
I am attaching the DAC code.
    #region Marca
    public abstract class marca : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
    ÂPXDBString(20, IsUnicode = true, IsKey = true)]
       Where<CSAttributeDetail.attributeID, Equal<attributeLaboratorio>,
         And<CSAttributeDetail.disabled, NotEqual<True>>>>),
       SubstituteKey = typeof(CSAttributeDetail.description))]
    iPXUIField(DisplayName = "Marca", Visible = true)]
    public string Marca { get; set; }
    #endregion Marca
In summary the "ValueID" is replaced by the "SubstituteKey-Description" in the table (next image).