I have a custom table that I am showing on the ‘Employees’ screen as a new tab. It has one key ID designated with the [PXDBIdentity(IsKey = true)] attribute in the DAC. It worked in 23R1 but now that I have it published in 24R1 none of my event handlers are firing on the tab and when I attempt to add a value in one column the row effectively resets and I lose all my data.
I should note that I also have a maintenance screen with the exact same logic pointing to the same DAC- just not filtered by the employee- and all the logic works and saves to the DB without any error.
- Since 24R1 added a bunch of permission defaulting, my first spot was to check there but no luck. I have the rights on the view set to DELETE so it shouldn’t be a permission issue.
- I also deleted all my event handlers to where the only code I had in my employee graph ext was the view itself and I am still getting the error.
- I ran the request profiler and have not been able to get consistent results but a few times I have gotten the following (note that I don’t have a clear indication if these are related as they are not consistently showing up and might have been a one time thing):
- The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters. (Note: I am not dealing with Base-64 directly anywhere in my code and I do not have a PXImport attribute set as I know that did change in 24R1).
- Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: key (I feel like there is something where the key value of the record isn’t binding appropriately with the screen- this would explain the behavior but I have no clue how to fix it).
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!