I have extension classes for the ARInvoiceEntry, APInvoiceEntry and JournalEntry, each has a action button called “ChangeSomeField”, which needs to be on the Action Menu.
For ARInvoiceEntry, the base class has an ActionsMenuItem.AddMenuAction() which I can use to add the action to the action menu. From what I can see in the code this is because they ARDataEntryGraph which implements the IActionsMenuGraph.
For both APInvoiceEntry and JournalEntry, from what I can see they’re base classes do not implement this interface which means I can’t access the ActionsMenuItem.AddMenuAction() to add the actions to the action menu.
In APInvoiceEntry and JournalEntry extension classes, how do I add custom actions to the action menu? Do I need to implement that IActionsMenuGraph myself on my extension classes or is there another way. Could I please have an example if either of the above two are correct?