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Create a vendor via an action button


I had implemented a custom DAC and screen called prospect vendor. then I need to create a default vendor in the system on a button click. following is the action code. 
My issue is the header section of vendor page contains data from vendorR dac, which is extended from Vendor Dac, I try to create a vendor instance and saved it, action runs without error, but data is not saved to Database. when I try to save vendorR instance it gives error. how can save a BAccount instance rated to my vendor via VendorMaint graph object.


public PXAction<ESProspectVendors> CreateVendor;
[PXButton(DisplayOnMainToolbar = true, CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Create Vendor", Enabled = true)]
protected virtual IEnumerable createVendor(PXAdapter adapter)
    ESProspectVendors vendor = ProspectVendorsView.Current;
    PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, delegate
    return adapter.Get();

public static void SaveVendor(ESProspectVendors prospectVendor)
        PXTrace.WriteInformation($" Action Started :");
        VendorR vendorR = new VendorR();
        Vendor vendor = new Vendor();
        BAccount bAccount = new BAccount(); 
        bAccount.AcctCD = 
        vendorR.AcctCD = prospectVendor.SupplierCode;
        vendorR.VendorClassID = prospectVendor.VendorClassID;
        vendor.AcctCD = prospectVendor.SupplierCode;
        vendor.VendorClassID = prospectVendor.VendorClassID;
        vendor.LegalName = prospectVendor.SupplierName;
        vendorR.VStatus = "A";
        vendor.AcctName = prospectVendor.BankName;

        var vendorGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<VendorMaint>();

        var prospectVendorGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ESProspectVendorMaint>();
        prospectVendor.DefaultVendorCD = vendorR.AcctCD;
        PXTrace.WriteInformation($" Action Completed :");
    catch (Exception ex)
        PXTrace.WriteInformation($" Error : {ex.Message} - {ex.InnerException.Message}");


5 replies


What is the error you receive?

  • Author
  • Varsity II
  • 57 replies
  • March 11, 2025

@stephenward03 ,
when try to insert VendorR instance it gives a run time error “object reference is null”. when tring to insert BAccount instance it did not accept. when try to save Vendor instance, it did not saves data to database 

  • Captain II
  • 366 replies
  • March 11, 2025

Hi ​@PDharmasena10 


You should try to create the BAccount record first, the VendorR table inherits from Vendor, which inherits from BAccount.


You should insert a BAccount record into the BusinessAccountMaint graph first too.


Another avenue you could look into is using the ExtendToVendorGraph graph extension which implements the logic of extending a business account to a vendor.



Nilkanth Dipak
Semi-Pro I

Hi ​@PDharmasena10,
Please try below code snippet.

 public static void SaveVendor(ESProspectVendors prospectVendor)

         var vendorGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<VendorMaint>();

         // Create and populate the BAccount
         PX.Objects.CR.BAccount bAccount = new PX.Objects.CR.BAccount
             AcctCD = prospectVendor.SupplierCode,
             AcctName = prospectVendor.SupplierName,


         bAccount = vendorGraph.BAccount.Insert((VendorR)bAccount);

         // Create and populate the Vendor
         Vendor vendor = new Vendor
             AcctCD = prospectVendor.SupplierCode,
             VendorClassID = prospectVendor.VendorClassID,
             LegalName = prospectVendor.SupplierName

         vendor = vendorGraph.CurrentVendor.Insert(vendor);

         // Save the Vendor and BAccount

         // Update the Prospect Vendor with the new VendorCD
         var prospectVendorGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ESProspectVendorMaint>();
         prospectVendor.DefaultVendorCD = vendor.AcctCD;

     catch (Exception ex)
         PXTrace.WriteError($"Error: {ex.Message} - {ex.InnerException?.Message}");

Hope it will helps!

Jr Varsity I

Hi ​@PDharmasena10 

here is a simplified version that often works better in a custom action. You can adapt it to your naming convention and your custom fields:

public static void SaveVendor(ESProspectVendors prospectVendor)
        var vendorGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<VendorMaint>();

        BAccount bAcct = new BAccount
            AcctCD = prospectVendor.SupplierCode, 
            AcctName = prospectVendor.SupplierName,
            Type = BAccountType.VendorType, 
        bAcct = vendorGraph.BAccount.Insert(bAcct);

        Vendor vendor = new Vendor
            AcctCD = bAcct.AcctCD,
            AcctName = prospectVendor.BankName,  
            VendorClassID = prospectVendor.VendorClassID,
            VStatus = "A" 
        // Setting Current to ensure it’s recognized as the primary
        vendorGraph.Vendor.Current = vendorGraph.Vendor.Insert(vendor);

        //  (Optional) If you have extended DAC fields in VendorR, set them here
        //    Usually, you can just cast vendorGraph.Vendor.Current to your extension 
        //    or use vendorGraph.Caches[typeof(Vendor)].Current as VendorR, then set fields.


        // Update your Prospect Vendor with the newly created VendorCD
        var prospectVendorGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ESProspectVendorMaint>();
        prospectVendor.DefaultVendorCD = bAcct.AcctCD; 
    catch (Exception ex)
        PXTrace.WriteInformation($" Error : {ex.Message} - {ex.InnerException?.Message}");


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