Hi Everyone,
I’m looking for ideas on the best way to trigger a business event notification to generate an email to a customer that their special order item has been received.
It seems that GI that needs to be created will have way too many tables and joins, rendering the GI too unwieldy for the Business Event to monitor. Perhaps we’re over-thinking but just for the sales lines alone, we’re looking SOLineSplit, POLine, PO, POReceipt, POReceiptLine - not to mention all of the sales order and contact data.
This client in particular has Field Services and most of these products require an installation, so I thought that using the GI as a data source to import the Service Order from the Sales Order might be a path forward, but am un sure of order of operations necessary to trigger this action, or even if it’s possible even though it’s all in the schema.
If I can create the Service Order from the Sales Order by way of Import Scenario, then I could use a much simpler and cleaner GI for the Business Event notification I want to trigger.
Any thoughts on how this might be done? I’ll cross post the “Create Service Order” import as a separate post.