Is there a simple way I can display the default vendor remit-to address to show on the bills and payments screen? I’ve checked and the RemittanceAddress view does not appear in the Data View dropdown under Add Data Fields tab in screen editor.

Is there a simple way I can display the default vendor remit-to address to show on the bills and payments screen? I’ve checked and the RemittanceAddress view does not appear in the Data View dropdown under Add Data Fields tab in screen editor.
Best answer by rjean09
Just got back to this and wasn’t too difficult. Just added a new field and fill on RowSelected in APInvoiceEntry graph extension.
protected void APInvoice_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
APInvoice row = e.Row as APInvoice;
if (row != null)
APInvoiceExtension rowExt = PXCache<APInvoice>.GetExtension<APInvoiceExtension>(row);
var vendor = Base.vendor.Current;
if (vendor != null)
// Fetch the Address record using the DefAddressID from the Vendor
var addressResult = PXSelect<Address,
Where<Address.addressID, Equal<Required<Address.addressID>>>>
.Select(Base, vendor.DefAddressID).FirstOrDefault();
var address = (Address)addressResult;
if (address != null)
string fullAddress = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(address.AddressLine2))
fullAddress = $"{address.AddressLine1 ?? ""}\r\n" +
$"{address.AddressLine2}\r\n" +
$"{address.City ?? ""}, {address.State ?? ""} {address.PostalCode ?? ""}";
} else {
fullAddress = $"{address.AddressLine1 ?? ""}\r\n" +
$"{address.City ?? ""}, {address.State ?? ""} {address.PostalCode ?? ""}";
rowExt.UsrVendorContactAddress = fullAddress;
rowExt.UsrVendorContactAddress = null;
rowExt.UsrVendorContactAddress = null;
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