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Add field to selector Customer

  • November 5, 2022
  • 2 replies



I have a field Account Name on Customer and I want to add it to the lookup Selector of Customer so that the user could see its value whenever they open lookup dialog to a Customer.


However, I can’t find this field in list columns to be added


Do you know how to add this field to Selector?

And is there any way to config this field be searchable in lookup dialog?




Best answer by wojtysiaks

@mrthanhkhoi I have followed this blog post to add address fields to the location lookup.  In your case, you would most likely need to join Customer to the Contact table on Customer.defBillContactID = Contact.ContactID.  Here is my example to add address line info to the location selector in case this helps.


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2 replies

  • Jr Varsity III
  • 15 replies
  • Answer
  • November 6, 2022

@mrthanhkhoi I have followed this blog post to add address fields to the location lookup.  In your case, you would most likely need to join Customer to the Contact table on Customer.defBillContactID = Contact.ContactID.  Here is my example to add address line info to the location selector in case this helps.


  • Author
  • Jr Varsity II
  • 85 replies
  • November 12, 2022

Hi @wojtysiaks, I faced error when try with the blog.

Could you please have look?

  • Put typeof(InnerJoin<Contact, On<Customer.defBillContactID, Equal<Contact.ContactID>>>)  in PXResrictor


  • Put new line [CustomerID(typeof(InnerJoin<Contact, On<Customer.defBillContactID, Equal<Contact.ContactID>>>))]


Here is the original:

[Customer(Visibility = PXUIVisibility.SelectorVisible, Filterable = true, TabOrder = 2)]
[PXRestrictor(typeof(Where<Customer.status, Equal<>,
Or<Customer.status, Equal<CustomerStatus.oneTime>,
Or<Customer.status, Equal<CustomerStatus.hold>,
Or<Customer.status, Equal<CustomerStatus.creditHold>>>>>), Messages.CustomerIsInStatus, typeof(Customer.status))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Customer", TabOrder = 2)]



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