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Acumatica Open University course T190 issue with Lesson 2: Creating Custom Fields

  • 17 November 2020
  • 7 replies

Page 23 instructions to move the data access extension to the PhoneRepairShop_Code extension library did not work as stated and in the accompanying video session. Please see attached screen shots. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi @dherr70,


You can add directly in your code  by adding a new class for the InventoryItemExtension like below, instead of from the package.








Thank you Naveen, however I believe that is not recommended in the documentation for this training session. Are you able to discern what is wrong with my example?


Good evening colleagues, I thought I’d try again to request help on the T190 Course issue. Although I have meticulously followed the Guide, as well as watched the video numerous times, I am not getting the same results and am stuck. Clicking MOVE TO EXTENSION LIB in the step below is supposed to move InventoryItemExtensions to the PhoneRepairShop_Code extension library.


The next two screen shots are from the video and is what is supposed to happen.


This next screen shot is from my Visual Studio 2019. I do not get InventoryItemExtensions.cs appearing. I do have obj and ARDocumentRelease.cs instead though, I do not know why.

Is there anyone in the Community with knowledge or experience with this? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @dherr70 ,

I see that you have unloaded the website from the project. As this is unloaded nothing will works as expected. please load the website and try once.


Hi Naveen, sorry I did that before and again just now, repeating all the steps with the website loaded, with the same result -see below. (The one I sent last night showing unloaded was just so I could re-create the screen shots.)


Hello Community, hope all is well. I have not had a response to my last post. I remain stuck on the above illustrated issue in Lesson 2, Course T190. Can anyone advise, or point me in a direction for help? Thanks in advance!


Hi @dherr70 ,

I’m not much familiar with this activity. But I’m trying to help you here.

when I see the document we need to create “Extension Library” from the package to move this code. have you created it?
After creating this new Extension Library then try to move this piece of code.
Please find the screenshot for reference.

