Hi, I have a refresh problem with a container Link.
When I open the container (PIPELINE & CRM) the first time, the values are good, if I go to another customer, the container (PIPELINE & CRM) takes over the data from the previous customer. When I add a record to the container the screen updates good.
The screen works perffectly in the ERP
Thanks Xavier… Sorry for my english langage so poor ;)
update screen AR303000 {
update container "CustomerSummary" {
add recordAction "save"
update layout "CustomerHeader"
remove field "CustomerSummaryBalance#PrepaymentBalance"
remove field "CustomerSummaryBalance#Balance"
remove field "CustomerStatus"
add field "CustomerSummary#PanierCumulé"
add field "CustomerSummary#Sleeping"
add field "CustomerSummary#Provenance" {forceIsDisabled = False}
update layout "OtherTab" {
displayName = "CRM"
add containerLink "PIPELINE"
add containerLink "CRM"
add containerLink "CRMCatégorie"
add containerLink "CRMCouleur"
remove containerLink "Locations"
remove containerLink "Contacts"
remove containerLink "Attributes"
add container "PIPELINE" {
fieldsToShow = 4
displayName = "Pipeline"
add field "Date"
add field "Origine"
add field "Raison"
add field "Statut"
add field "Article"
add field "Description"
add field "Commentaire"
add containerAction "Insert" {
icon = "system://Plus"
behavior = Create
redirect = True
add container "CRM" {
fieldsToShow = 4
displayName = "Article acheté"
add field "DateAchat"
add field "Article"
add field "Designation"
add container "CRMCatégorie" {
fieldsToShow = 4
displayName = "Catégorie achetée"
add field "DateAchat"
add field "Catégorie" }
add container "CRMCouleur" {
fieldsToShow = 4
displayName = "Couleur achetée"
add field "DateAchat"
add field "Couleur" }