We have a complex problem that I’m looking for creative solutions for. We have many serialized items and many of those are part of kits. But kit or no kit, it appears that you cannot have a quantity >1 on a Sales Order if the item is serialized as there is only one Serial# field for that row. So I kind of understand why, but for an end user to sell 50 items, they have to enter that item 50 times in the sales order. That is grossly inefficient. It is also not customer friendly as we assume it will also show 50 rows on the invoice to the customer instead of just Qty 50.
Add in the kit issue (and yes, we do have Kit Exploder from BizTech) and it makes it an even bigger problem for us.
I find it hard to believe we are the only company with this scenario/issue so just hoping to brainstorm some possible solutions or even work-arounds. Thanks!!