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After running allocation, the user finds out that they didn’t update/enter certain rates in the rate table.  Once they fix that, is there is a way to correct previously calculated allocation results?  Or does that have to be done manually?

This question would apply to changes made to Allocation methods after the run as well.




Project allocations create project transactions. Original transactions are flagged as been allocated.

If the project transactions generated by allocations have not been released, then you can delete them and reprocess the allocations. They will use new rates and new rules.


If the project transactions generated by allocations have been released, you have to reverse them prior to reallocate.





Depending where you are in the process and what kind of allocation rules are being run, running Recalculate Project Balances may address this issue as well.


Thank you both.


@Eric Ratté -  What you suggest would work, except that I will have to find and reverse allocations by batch/reference, especially if the project is set to allocate automatically.    So it can be tedious.   Wish Acumatica provided a simple “recalc” option when running allocations.  If nobody has a better suggestion, I shall submit a request.

You can create a GI to gather the details of the allocations to speed-up the reversal.

Out-of-the-box, you can filter on the Orig., Doc. Type. and on the Created On Date to find the allocation transactions. But it will take some time to reverse them one-by-one.

Even more if you do not add a side-panel with the Project Transactions screen.

