Dear community!
This customization package is applicable to Acumatica 25R1 and later versions.
The package includes a generic inquiry that demonstrates the new project & construction reporting capabilities. The inquiry is provided “as is”.
After publication of the customization package, in order to view the data for the existing projects, you need to run the recalculate project balances process.
This customization package contains 3 generic inquiries. Two of them are used in the third generic inquiry “Project Bdg vs Actuals Through Date”, which gets added to the menu once you publish the package.
This generic inquiry allows the user to see the date-through actuals and review the budget performance for a specific date (as the screenshot below illustrates).

More information and demo will be provided in the 2025R1 Construction Partner Training session that is coming soon.
Please share your feedback on this GI in the comments to this post.
Thank you!