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We have configured the project and payables settings so that the project and task segments are pulled into the sub account of any expense.

However when creating the PO and adding a line with an item and project, the subaccount does not contain the project elements.  The same goes with the receipt created from the PO and the AP Bill.  They just use the same segment as the PO.

It appears that the PO uses the subaccount definition from the Item.  But this definition does not include any project definition.







Are the PO issues specific to Non-Stock or Stock items or both types?

For Stock Items - How are you tracking your stock items for the projects?  Do you have project specific inventory turned on?

For non-stock items, if you set your AP preferences to combine the Expense Sub from either “J” (project) or “T” (tasks) that should flow through from the PO to the AP bills.  

Are you using AP document recognition?  As we did observe issues with subaccounts coming from either Projects or Tasks in earlier versions for some of our clients (In 22.1 and 22.2 and early versions of 23.1)


Sorry about the delay in replying.


Turning on “Project Specific Inventory” made no difference.


You are correct in relation to Non Stock Items.  The project and task segments do surface on the PO. 

However there is no change with stock items.  Despite the settings in Projects and AP preferences, the segments do not surface on the subaccount of the PO or receipt.


The segments that do appear are the ones set for the Inventory Item.


Are the accounts that are being used by the Stock Items linked to account groups so that they can post to the projects?

Do you want the Inventory to sit on the project as an asset, if so, you’ll need to make sure that your inventory account has an Account Group on it.

Or are you doing Project Drop Ship type transactions?

Hi Megan,

Thanks.  I dont think that there is any problem with the account.  They are included in project groups.

It is the segments in the sub account that are the issue.




The Subaccounts for stock inventory are coming from the Posting Classes (where the options are Inventory Item, Warehouse, or Posting Class).  This will be the subaccounts used for receiving the item into inventory, your PO accrual, revenue account, etc.  There’s no option for project.

When you issue the materials to the project (move from Inventory Asset to COGS Expense), you do have the Reason codes which still use the subaccounts either from the Inventory Item, Warehouse, or Posting Class, OR you can hardcode a subaccount into the Reason Code.  There’s also no option for project here.

The closest I was able to get with Stock Items was to try with a Project Drop Ship (bypasses inventory, no receipt and gets immediately expensed).  I have my AP preferences set to combine sub account from the project JJJ-JJJ.  My project PR00000028 has the default expense sub of 000-OPS.

When I start creating a new line for items, the default line is bringing in my default expense account and subaccount from the project.

As soon as I picked a Stock Item, it changed the subaccount to the subaccount from the item’s posting class definition (000-000)

I could MANUALLY edit the Subaccount on the PO back to 000-OPS, and that flowed through to the AP entry:


Hi Megan,

Thank you for this.  That was very helpful.

Yes, using a “Project Drop Ship” Purchase order, and with the Expense Sub settings of JJJ-TTT set on the “Drop Ship Purchases” setting in the GL Accounts section of the Default tab of the project - it worked !


It is interesting that this setting is at the project level.

Thanks again


