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I attempted to enter a negative A/P billing but got an error.  Then I tried entering a Debit Adjustment but it disables the retainage field.

@kristya  The debit adjustment is the correct process.   You can change the retainage on the subcontract manually.  If this debit adjustment is going to be applied to an AP Bill, then release the retainage on that bill before applying them together.   Your partner should be able to help you with this if needed.

Thank you - I’ll try that


@kristya  Keep us updates please.

In Document Details tab of Debit Adjustment I clicked “Add Subcontract” in details area.  The retainage amount & retainage percentage rows are greyed out - how do I make those active? 

@kristya In 2022 R2 retainage is accessible.  What version are you on?  Prior versions there are workarounds - if you want to have a quick meeting, I can help figure this out for you. 


2021R1, ok - I’ll take any help I can get!

Send me an email and we can set up a meeting -
