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Customer Contact in Construction

  • 7 August 2024
  • 9 replies

I’m looking for a couple of fields in the construction project portal:

  1. Customer Project Contact in Construction (which would pull from Customer Contacts) With the ability to have that contact flow through to invoices/change orders etc. 
  1. Customer Reference Number for Projects. Again, we have a built out user defined field to capture this. But the reference number does not automatically flow through to billing.

Has anyone else noticed the lack of these fields? Is everyone creating User defined fields? I’m just surprised these fields do not come standard ‘out-of-box’


Are you asking how to include a User Defined field or Attribute field on a Project Invoice?

User Defined Fields will be included in the Project Invoices when they are included in the Billing Rule’s Invoice Settings. Here is an example -- to add a Project Attribute called Sales Quote Number to the Line Description of project invoices, change the Line Description Formula in Invoice Settings section of the Billing Rule to -

=>PMBudget.Description]+ ‘ - Quote Nbr: ‘+:PMProject.UsrSalesQuoteNbr]

The default billing contact comes from Bill-To section of the Addresses tab of the Project:

If I’m not following your question, could you please provide a screen shot of where you need to see  the billing contact and user field, as well as where the contact data and user field are located on-screen?

Thank you.


Thanks Laura -
More than getting a billing contact on the project screen, I’m looking for a Project Contact (Like a project engineer or whoever at the client is point on the project), and then have that persons information appear on invoice as a reference, not necessarily send billings to them. Sales Orders offers this functionality. So in these situations, each project could/would have a Project Contact and Billing contact. 

We are already using the billing rules functionality to get a Customer Ref number into the Line Description section of the invoice, so I’m looking more to have this as its own standalone field that can move through the workflow on its own vs appearing in a Line Description box. The User Defined field may work for this if it can populate via a drop down of the customers contacts? and then flow through to billing in its own standalone field?


Attributes like Project Engineer and Project Billing contact can be added to the printed Invoice Form (and/or ProForma Invoice) using Acumatica Report Writer.

The customer’s reference number can also be pulled into the printed Invoice form using Acumatica Report Writer.

What do you mean by “Move through the workflow in its own”? If the attribute needs to appear in multiple screens and be automatically changed/updated in multiple places when changes are made to the original attribute value…. behavior like this will require some customization.

User Defined Fields of the Selector type can work as a drop-down list… a bit of customization code will be required for your example to populate via a drop down of the customers contacts. Narrowing the Selector’s list of Contacts to have the Attribute/UDF filter first by Customer to find the correct list of possible contacts on a project (versus all Acumatica contacts) will be a customization.


hi! @leahcarpenito there’s a contacts tab that i can see in the sales demo.  i have used this to track project supers/PMs/engineers as needed.  however, this tab is only available if you have construction project management.  

You may be able to modify the behavior to flow through from beginning to end however, I did test it from the project quote to project and unfortunately the contact from the quote didn’t show up on the project.  I can manually add the contacts in after the fact.


Looking through acumatica’s help topic, the contacts pull from RFIs that have been processed for the project: 

Regarding your second question, as an end user as well as a consultant, I thought attributes worked best to track project specific information like customer’s project number and then I used that attribute and modified reports like the AIA to reference that attribute.  


Hope this helps!

@iqraharrison and @Laura02  Thank you so much for your replies!

  1. Customer Contacts Tab- I do not have the Contacts tab, but we definitely have the construction module. (screen shot below)
  2. Thanks for your input on using attributes - I will explore that!

@leahcarpenito can you share what version and build are you on?

Acumatica 2023 R2
Build 23.212.0024

@leahcarpenito do you know if the project management module is enabled along with the construction module? if you have access to the enable/disable screen, this is feature i am referring to: 


Hi @leahcarpenito were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
