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Billing Multiple Customers to one construction project


Question, we have a client that requires the need to bill different customers to one construction project ID? Is this possible? I don’t think so but wanted to check? Also, can change orders be imported into projects? Please let me know. If multiple customers cannot be linked to one project any suggestions? 

Best answer by Laura02

Hello @fpantelidakis65 ,

You are correct, we can link one customer and one customer location into each project. The project can have a separate billing address, but only one billing address is on the Project.

Maybe using Locations of one Customer on each Project Task could help your client.  I notice that I can specify a different Customer Location on each TASK. 

Yes, Change Orders can be imported into the projects module with Import Scenarios.

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Captain II
  • Captain II
  • April 19, 2023

Hello @fpantelidakis65 ,

You are correct, we can link one customer and one customer location into each project. The project can have a separate billing address, but only one billing address is on the Project.

Maybe using Locations of one Customer on each Project Task could help your client.  I notice that I can specify a different Customer Location on each TASK. 

Yes, Change Orders can be imported into the projects module with Import Scenarios.



This might work. Thanks for your help. 



Heidi Dempsey
Community Manager

@fpantelidakis65  you can change the customer on the project if you need to bill another customer, the invoices will all be on the same project but on different customers.




Great this is good to know. 


Although the Customer ID is editable on the Project, you are not allowed to change the customer.  When using the Lookup, no other customers appear.  If I manually enter in a different customer id; it will not save.

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • November 22, 2023

The best practice of Project invoicing is to create Progress Billing (Acumatica invented Pro Forma for it) and then put a summary invoice on top of it (mostly for AR sub-ledger maintenance purposes) and send it to the client. With this practice comes some requirements. For example, in the Cumulative Billing that we send to the clients, we show Items Revised Contract Values, Previously Billed Amounts/Qtys, Current Progress, Progress to Date, and so on. When a project is billed to different customers then the last billing is inclusive of all previous billings even if invoiced to different clients. So to make this happen Acumatica will need to maintain contract value by customer and billing history as well to properly accumulate and display against the contract amounts. 

Although I agree that having a “Prime or Master or whatever you call it” project/contract and the possibility to have sub-projects under that is needed in some cases and can be beneficial it is not really common. So possibility of billing to different clients is just the tip of the iceberg. There are lots of underlying requirements that Acumatica doesn’t support and making it work I believe is a huge undertaking with possibly not lots of benefits. 

As a workaround, if you are using Pro Forma I suggest developing small customizations that allow you to change the customer at the Pro Forma level. Although your “Previous” and To-Date cumulative values still will be wrong for each client you may be able to do some custom reports to get the values from the current customer only and print.

Heidi Dempsey
Community Manager

@phillipmarotta  I am able to change customer on my project using the lookup no problem.  You will get a message about retainage if the percent is different.    Maybe you have permissions around this functionality?  

Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • November 22, 2023

@phillipmarotta , the customer may be changed at the project level, but you’ll want to review what @aaghaei mentioned earlier.  The ProForma is a running total for the project/task combination, regardless of customer.  While it will create an AR Invoice based on the current project customer, if you’re needing different schedule of values, you’ll want to create different customer specific project tasks accordingly, and it will take review during that billing cycle to ensure accuracy.

  • Freshman I
  • July 26, 2024

Hi there, just wondering if there were any updates on this issue. It seems like this is something that commonly requested by the clients.  


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