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We are a company that creats our own literature type material. We are currently moving towards using projects to track our expenses for the various things we produce. With that, we also make a number non-stock items. Is it possible to add/link machine time to a project? I figured out that I can list a certain machine as an equipment and then submit an equipment time card that’s linked to a project to add the correct expense to the project. But I’m not sure if there is a better way to get the same result. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help

@nickgura, the method you describe above is probably the best method for adding a machine expense to a project. When you create a piece of equipment under Organization/Equipment, this enables you to set up rates for Run Rate, Setup Rate and Suspend Rate. If using Fixed Assets module, the piece of equipment can also become a Fixed Asset (but its not necessary for the exercise). 

However, you don’t have to list the equipment as mentioned above. You could create an Equipment Account Group and then add any piece of equipment you want to a project (manually, via a template or import). Then input the Cost/Price/Qty etc.. on the cost/revenue budgets.
