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Screens did not load in Google Chrome, Version 91

  • 26 May 2021
  • 5 replies

After login, the user only gets a spinning wheel and cannot access any screens to use the system.

This issue was reported also for Google Chrome, version 76/77, and to proceed to work I had to set Disabled on Enable lazy frame loading (chrome://flags/). But this flag does not exist on the new version of Google Chrome.

I mention that this issue I found on the Acumatica version 17.212.0020.


Compatibility with lazy frame loading was added in Acumatica 2018 R1 and later:

Since Chrome has apparently deprecated this flag in version 91 you have two options:

  • Use another browser or an older version of Chrome
  • Upgrade to a supported version of Acumatica - 2017 R2 is no longer supported at this point

Alternatively, you can turn on this flag, which will make the lazy frame loading flag visible again:


@Gabriel Michaud, thank you!

The article you have mentioned was also updated.

Is there any more recent information about this error? We have one user (of about 50) reporting this issue when using Chrome. We are on 2021R2. User can login but there is a spinning wheel on the left side instead of any of the menu options so he cannot access his time card, etc.



Hello @annetrockman27 

The issue should not affect 21R2 at all. I am suggesting this user to clean the cache.
