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Issues with running local instance

  • 12 August 2023
  • 9 replies

Hello fellows,

I’m facing a problem with running Acumatica instances, the instances are created but when it comes to run them it keeps loading then interrupted, any Ideas? 


9 replies

Badge +12

Have you checked logs in Event Viewer?

Where should i find it?


i looked at Event viewer and it mentioned something about w3wp.exe not working correctly, what is the problem with it?


Badge +12

Without seeing the event description, I really couldn’t guess. If you post that, I will do my best to guess 😏

Ok here it is : 


Badge +12

Well, despite the fact that I can't read what I can only assume to be German, I would guess the password saved in web.config to connect to the database is wrong.

the error always is on asp.Net 4.0 w3wp.exe with message:

The type “System.Attribute” is defined in an assembly that is not referenced, You must add a reference for “netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51”

Badge +12

The error in Event Viewer appears to be a SQL exception during connection.


Are you getting another error somewhere else?

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi Hamzamara,

The message is in French and it seems to indicate an error in the db login from the site (in IIS) to the database.

Try this please:

  1. Go to IIS,
  2. Click on the name of the site for the Acumatica instance,
  3. On the right side of the panel, double click on Connection Strings,
  4. Check the credentials for ProjectX: make sure that the logon to the database is successful with those credentials.

