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      In help doc before 2021R2, like in 2021R1 below. We are having a section called “implementing inventory” and it gave out the guide to do inventory migration.

      However, after 2021 R2, like the recent 2023 R1, this section was deleted, and can not be found anymore.  Why, is the inventory migration way be changed?

          Please advise.

Hello @ray20 ,

Are you asking Acumatica to clarify why they changed the help, or are you asking how to migrate inventory?

Here is one way to migrate inventory balance:

  1. Uncheck Update GL in IN Preferences screen.
  2. Receive into Inventory → Transactions → Receipts screen the proper quantities on hand with proper costs.
  3. Print Valuation report and compare to prior system.
  4. If the Inventory Valuation in the prior system matched the GL in the prior system, then Inventory Valuation in Acumatica will match the GL in Acumatica.
  5. Check ON Update GL in IN Preferences screen.


@Laura02 ,  Thank you , I think this is a better way than we did before. We previously just receiced into stock and post to GL, and then reverse that whole GL posting .   Just like the OLD help doc told us. Your suggestion is better.
        May I ask have you ever tried your suggestion? Just a little bit uncertain if we do not post to GL at the receipt,  will we still have   “credit Inventory with value (I mean not 0),  debit Cost of good sold” at the time of issuing.
        I am just curious why Acumatica changed the help doc. Might be they also suggest your way?


Many of our clients have been migrated by entering inventory quantity on hand by the method I noted.  I am usually in charge of financial modules…. I’m not sure if I personally have been the one to enter or import the inventory quantities.   My memory over the past 10 years working with Acumatica is not that good!

I can’t answer why the help doc changed, but I can guess that the instructions in Help might have been too old; perhaps the Help was not updated when the ability to Turn off posting to GL was added to IN Preferences??


