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We are wanting to upgrade from 2020 R2 to 2021 R1.   We are on premise so we need to move the a snapshot to a test environment.  We have been on acumatica  for just over a year and our snapshot is already to large to import with the default settings.  We have adjusted the webconfig to allow for our snapshot size of 1.5 Gb (we are just over the limit with our snahot being 1.1Gb).

We now get the error “Error: The file is not found, or you don't have enough rights to see the file”   I have tried importing from the server directly with the snapshot right in the c drive.  I have tried creating other snapshots, thinking the first one was corrupt.

We do have custom fields created and need a way to bring the snapshot over for proper testing.  What would the official way of doing this be?

Hi @andrew15 In past we have also faced lot many challenges with importing of snapshot into the local/test environments.

Currently, we are preferring to take the database back up file and restoring into the local/test environments. When we started using this process, we are NOT seeing any issues and simple process.

Hi @Naveen B ,

When restoring the backup, does anything have to be done with acumatica or can I just do a backup and restore from database server and it just works?  In our last ERP, the only way we could restore a backup was from the initial install process or the software would act funny.  we were told it had something to do with the date stamp.  We tended to avoid it at all costs.

We are also on-prem and use @Naveen B process. The use of snapshots have been banned in our environment mostly due to space usage. The backup is restored as a new database, then we  create a new instance with the “connect to an existing database” option.

Restoring database and create an instance. - Acumatica Developers Blog

The only problems we run into is needing to go in and change the external file storage settings so the test site isn’t pointing to our production blob storage. Haven’t found a clean way to do this yet.


If you want to stick with snapshots there are options to create /modify snapshot configurations to reduce the size of the snapshot by excluding specific tables.

Custom Snapshots Configuration - Acumatica Developers Blog

Hi Andrew,

I agree with Neil and Naveen. For my on-premise clients , I prefer to use a db backup&restore method and here is a summary of my check list:

  1. Put PROD instance in Maintenance mode; 
  2. Stop automation schedule entries:
    Note: This is optional for creating test environments but I perform it for the actual migration as I do not want update activities on the db while running the upgrade of the instance. Also, I do not want to have automated schedules running when I start the new instance.
  3. Unpublish customisations on the PROD instance 
    Note: this is optional for test environments but I like to do that to ensure a clean start of the new instance.
    Note 2: there are probably other points of integration that should be reviewed and/or disabled.
  4. Make a full db backup of the PRODDB (copy only). 
  5. Publish customisations on the PROD instance;
  6. Restart entries in automation schedule (if step 2 was previously performed);
  7. Remove Maintenance mode on PROD instance;
  8. Restore db backup into a new db (TESTDB);
  9. Create a new Acumatica instance assigned to the existing TESTDB , using the same Acumatica Configuration Wizard build as the original PROD instance;
  10. Uninstall the old Acumatica Configuration Wizard and install a new build;
  11. Upgrade the TEST instance to the new build;
  12. Publish and test the customisations on the TEST instance;
  13. Review and test other points of integration; 
  14. Review and update SSO settings for the TEST instance; 
  15. Review and update email settings;
  16. Review and enable automation schedule entries that are relevant for the tests.
  17. Go for UAT.

It may not be a complete check list so please anyone should feel free to improve it and hopefully we will get a very nice and reliable procedure. 

I hope this helps.

