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How can I determine why I get 'You have insufficient rights to access the object (Cst_CRTaskMaint)' when trying to create a new task on the tasks screen.

  • 1 July 2022
  • 7 replies

We are running into problems with creating a new task on the Tasks screen under Time & Expenses.

From looking at the effective rights of the user in Access rights by user the user shows as having delete permission on the tasks screen. They can get to the screen and even click to add a task when an error message pops up saying ‘You have insufficient rights to access the object (Cst_CRTaskMaint).’

How can I determine why this is failing?  Does this depend on the user being granted access to another screen first?  Has anyone else run into this issue?

Thanks for any help,


@ppowell  Yes this is an Access Right issue and User probably does not have the access to the Task node under Hidden on SiteMap.

One way would be trying with a user which has the access and when New Task Screen opened check on Tools>Access Right and make sure user in question Roles have proper access.

Or you can open Access Rights by User(ScreenId=SM201055), Select the user in question on top and click on Hidden Node on left and find out if it has proper access to Task on Right hand side list and if not make require changes accordingly.


@hkabiri Thanks! That is what I needed to find.  Is there any way to search the tree for items by name?  The only way I know how to find the relevant bit is to type it in the search at the top to see what screen it appears on.  This isn’t much use when searching for something under the hidden section.  If there isn’t a way to do that how do I request it?


Thanks for your help,



@ppowell  those nodes under Hidden meant to not to show on Screen Menu as well as mapped on the Site Map and usually medium screen for data entry or configuration. That is why you would not locate them by simply searching on the global search as they are not same as mapped screen on sitemap.

system admin should consider these screen when setting access rights given many of these nodes are critical to use functionality on screens. 

@hkabiri By your own admission these are critical to use functionality of screens yet they are hidden away and there seems to be no way to determine they are needed for a screen to function.  As system admin if I give access to a screen and its contents I expect (maybe unreasonably) that I have also given access for everything within that screen to function correctly.  Is there anywhere that documents which screens contain these critical yet hidden items or are we expected to find them by trial and error?






@ppowell  By default all the screens under Hidden node is available to all users unless you set explicit access right for at least one screen under this node and then you have to review all other and edit the access rights accordingly.

@hkabiri Thanks for your help and your explanation.  I see now that the problem was the screen that is being created when I clicked the New Task button. The access rights needed were to that screen and not the Tasks screen. Going forward I think I know how to troubleshoot this issue better.  It is useful to know everything under Hidden needs to be set explicitly now and I need to test access more thoroughly.

Thanks again,


I am having the following popup when trying to access the customization project screen.

“The current user does not have access to the AU201000 screen”

We are having trouble locating the authorization needed to access this area.

Anyone have any ideas.

