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Automatic logoff

  • 13 December 2020
  • 7 replies

Where can I change the setting for the automatic logoff?


Administrative Update (Apr 29, 2024):

Hi @shmaryarichler,

As per the standard Acumatica, 60 minutes will be the idle time for the logout.

If we need to modify the logoff settings, then we need to chagne the settings in web.config file.

<sessionState timeout="120"> (changed to 2 hours i.e. 120 minutes)
<formsAuth loginUrl="Frames/Login.aspx" timeout="120" />


For more info.


I don’t have a web.config file in my acumatica folder. The only item in that folder is a folder called Report Designer.

How do I access the server ?


Hi @shmaryarichler,

If that severs is hosted in SaaS by Acumatica, then we need to raise a support ticket with Acumatica to modify these configuration details.

If you have a local test environment, then you can modify and verify this.


From 23 r1 Onwards, You can change session timeout time from the UI itself, the feature is available in the Security preferences form



Additional information about system timeouts can be found here: 


hi, can we change the best answer to this to Raphael’s at all? it can send some people down a rabbit hole if they are not aware of the new feature to enable changes without manipulating the webconfig?
