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Is it possible to have the owner field in an Activity auto populated?   Is this a development only area?

Hi @SveumE  By default, Acumatica will populate the Owner field in the Activity screen (CR306010) right?


I’m missing something?


Hi Naveen!  Thanks for the reply!

When you created this activity in your example, where you logged in as Maxwell Baker?  If so, did Maxwell Baker automatically populate the Owner field… OR did you select in the menu that lists all Users?


Hi ​​​@SveumE were you able to resolve your issue? Thank you!

Hi Naveen!  Thanks for the reply!

When you created this activity in your example, where you logged in as Maxwell Baker?  If so, did Maxwell Baker automatically populate the Owner field… OR did you select in the menu that lists all Users?


Hi @SveumE 

The Owner populates if the logged on user has been set (or linked) as an employee. If logged on user is not set as an Employee, then the owner remains blank. The owner list reflects Employees. 


Hope this helps,


I thought this was the case.  Thank you for replying!

@SveumE you are most welcome!
