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Meet Daryl Bowman our Acumatica Community Featured Member for September 2023. It’s great to have you as part of the Acumatica Community @darylbowman!

Hey Acumatica community, I've enjoyed reading about the other featured members, and now I guess it's my turn to share. 

I choose to spend a significant amount of time on the community site to gain experience and grow my personal brand, all while helping others in the process. The Acumatica community is truly something special. 

I owe my start in Acumatica due to the company that I worked for, at the time, becoming a VAR. I pivoted from the internal IT team to focusing more on implementing Acumatica. I took several training paths and became certified as a Technical Consultant and System Administrator. After a few years of being a VAR, the company’s priorities moved away from implementation, and I focused my Acumatica expertise on improving the usability of Acumatica internally for the company instead. I had already learned the basics of programming for fun, and development has always interested me. I started messing around with code customizations, and eventually got my Application Developer certification. I realized that unless I was intentional about gaining experience as a developer, I would never become proficient. I wasn't sure how to go about starting, but my first real job as a contract developer came when I volunteered for a development request from Abe Majors @amajors. That job gave me the confidence that I knew what I was doing, and that there were people out there that wanted my help. In Sept 2022, I started my business, and shortly after, I was given the opportunity to assist i-Tech Support, as a contractor, with custom development for their clients. Since then, I've gotten many more opportunities, and I'm having so much fun creatively solving problems for people from all over the world. 

On a more personal note, I live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the heart of Amish country, where I was born and raised. I’m 27, happily married with two youngsters. I try to follow Jesus’ example of loving God and others. I enjoy tinkering with many forms of tech and spending time with close friends. 

It’s been several years since I’ve been able to attend the Summit, but I’m planning to attend in 2024 and I expect to see a bunch of you there. If you recognize me, say hi!


A satellite photo of the area I'm from, which is mostly farmland😎

Congratulations @darylbowman.  I enjoyed reading about your Acumatica journey!

Hello @darylbowman ,

Congratulations for being selected as Acumatica Member of the Month! 


Congrats @darylbowman ! I didn’t know you were in PA! We have a good bit of Amish in Central PA too! 


Thank you for all that you do for the community! I hope to see you at Summit!

Congratulations, @darylbowman! It’s been great getting to know you and working with you. I’m glad to see your efforts being recognized. Keep up the good work!

@darylbowman , I look forward to learning more about your company and meeting you in person at the Summit this January.

Hello @darylbowman ,

Congratulations for being selected as Acumatica Member of the Month 

@darylbowman I’m a little late to the party but congratulations on being member of the month!!! 

@darylbowman Congrats! You have helped me often in the forums. It is great to learn a little more about you.
