Does anyone know if it’s possible to create an Approval Map for Purchase Receipts?
We need to create an Approval Map that will put a Purchase Receipt into “Pending Approval” status and send it to an approver when the REMOVE HOLD action is executed on the Purchase Receipt screen (PO302000).
We currently use Approval Maps for a variety of things, so we have a fairly good understanding of how to create them.
But when we tried to create one for our Purchase Receipts, we discovered that “Purchase Receipts” isn’t an option in the Entity Type list. The closest thing to it is “Purchase Orders” which is a completely different object.
We also discovered that there doesn’t appear to be a “Purchase Receipts Preferences” screen like the ones used to enable approvals for Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, AR, etc.. The closes thing we could find was the “Receipt Assignment Map:” option on the “Purchase Orders Preferences” screen but that’s for assignment maps, not approval maps.
Has anyone in the community successfully created an Approval Map for Purchase Receipts? If so, how did you do it?
P.S. We confirmed it was possible to create a Business Event that trapped the REMOVE HOLD action on the Purchase Receipt screen but we don’t see any way to leverage that for approvals.