We are looking for the best approach to externally feed data and selections into the manufacturing product configurator.
For instance, if a certain combo box option is selected on the sales order, data from another field or table is automatically fed into the product configurator.
Looking for information on any of the following:
How to use import scenarios with product configurator
How to use API with product configurator
And endpoint extension you can send me?
Business events or push notifications with product configurator
How product configurator keys work and if these keys can be externally generated and fed into the SO
Thank you!!
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I can answer a couple of these - unfortunately the Product Configurator as it is today is not setup well for external manipulation.
There are no API endpoints exposed. This is on the Roadmap for the future.
Product Configuration Keys can’t be externally generated.
There hopefully is someone in the community that can help with your import scenario request as well as assist with business events / notifications.
Thanks @angierowley75
A recommendation for future development would be a ‘config key’ like parameter that contains a ‘reversible hash’ of every chosen configuration option. For example, a Product A configured to be 20 cm in length with color blue selected would have the configuration hash A20B. The same product configured in green would have the hash A20G.
With this feature, any system internal or external could calculate this hash on its own and feed it into the sales order line to bypass the configurator’s GUI.
@xkylewrightx Did you ever get a solution for this question? We’re needing the same thing.
We put a lot of time into this and we’re not able to come up with a real solution using the product configurator. In its current state it can not be effectively controlled externally via Rest API, import scenario, etc in any useful capacity.
The solution we are currently pursuing instead is - we have built our own product configurator web app (PHP, JavaScript, etc.) who’s output uses a series of Rest API calls to build out a sales order, then production order inside Acumatica based on the configuration options selected in our own custom ‘configurator’. Super annoying that this is the most efficient solution we could come up with, and I’m following threads like this closely for one that brings order creation back inside the Acumatica UI
Do you have any progress you can share on integrating with the product configurator? Are you still stuck at the same place?
I’d also like to know what all you have tried and how deep you went into trying to customize the configurator. IE: Did you just try import/export scenarios and customizing endpoints or did you go all the way to C# customization?
Wondering if you or anyone else has opened a support case as he suggested.
It would be helpful if someone from Acumatica could point out the actual issue that is preventing the product configurator from being exposed to the API. At the moment, the only issue I can find is that when you try to PUT a configuration via the API, the Revision field is required and that field is not exposed to API. We have a decent Acumatica developer on board and with some guidance I think we could get there
@Freeman Helmuth No, sorry We did not end up buying the product configurator so I stopped trying to make it work.
As said above, what we did instead is that we have built our own product configurator web app (PHP, JavaScript, etc.) who’s output uses a series of Rest API calls to build out a sales order, then production order inside Acumatica based on the configuration options selected in our own custom ‘configurator’.