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This is a unique encounter in our system. On the bigcommerce side (where the orders are created) the customer purchased 14 different products upon syncing on Acumatica only the 13 products are in the SO because of that the total is different. 
Note: All products in the list are already synced and active.
Error Message: The status of the SC014658 order does not allow modifications. Please synchronize records manually. 

What do you think is the problem?

@FrankieDC You are describing two issues here. 

  1. One of the products is missing from order. 
  2. Error Message. 

For the first one, we need to check why that one product is missing. It is very unlikely. Connector will not create the order unless all the items that are required to create an order exists in Acumatica. So not sure how it happened for you. Please create a case with Acumatica Support. We will check it for you. 

For second issue, this happens when the Sales Order(SO) is not in an editable status and connector trying to update the order. Example, the order is cancelled, completed, backorder etc., You can reopen the order and try to resync from Sync History(BC301000) form. 



Thank you! :)
Is there a possibility that they modified the SO after syncing? It's possible to trace SO if there is a modification made?


@FrankieDC  You mean the SO in BigCommerce is modified after it is created? You can certianly check it in BC using the timeline button. Click the button 3 to know the history. 


To know the order updates in Acumatica SO, you can check the Audit History. 

Thank you for this info just making sure I checked all the possible scenarios that occur during syncing before I create a support case. :) 

Did you end up finding a solution for this? We are getting hundreds of these, but it appears that the order totals match, the items match, everything looks “ok”, but we still get these errors. 

Based on the above, it appears that something is changing on the order from the bigcommerce side and trying to sync with the order in acumatica but it can’t. I have viewed the timeline of the orders in bigcommerce as suggested above, but again, nothing has changed. 

Any further ideas or solutions?


