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As per subject, I have tried to use Max & Min Aggregate function in Report Designer.  Screenshot like below, no matter I use Max or Min, the resulted value is same, it does not capture Min or Max value, but just the first data value.


Also, I tested with same formula in GI, it is no problem at all.  Seems this is the Report Designer bugs.

It’s hard to say from just the screenshot but I suspect something else is wrong as I have used both those in reports without any issues. It may be worth double checking that your schema is selecting the data you expect, the scenario you describe sounds like it may be only running the function on a single record. 


If you are able to share the report that could help the community figure out what is causing the issue. 

Hi markusray17, thank you so much for your feedback.  Since this report is exported from GI, and the original GI has no problem.  I am quite experienced in relation setting, and even the setting is the same as GI.  It shouldn't have any problem.


However, I am new in using Report Designer, I am not sure whether I have missed something in setting for using the Aggregate Function.  But I have used "Sum" in the same report, it is no problem at all.  It is weird.

In this report, I use the Aggregate Function in the group footer section, I don't know whether is okay.  But if so, I really have no idea where can be possible to cause such problem.  Anyway, I will enclose the report file later too.


Billion thanks anyone kindly support here.



Hi markusray17,


Thanks alot for your feedback and reply.  Actually the report is exported from GI and the original GI has absolutely no problem at all.  I am quite experienced in doing GI, so I believed the relation setting is no problem.  However, I am new in Report Designer, I am not sure what is the possible mistakes to cause such problem.


In my opinion, I believe the logic of the aggregate function is always correct, even the data grouping, sorting, or relation have something wrong, the functions should be still working to capture the grouped data rather than single record.  Maybe I have missed out something on the report setting for doing Aggregate Function.


One of my thinkings is I put the data in the Group Footer Section.  I am not sure whether is okay or I have to put in detail section?


Anyway, I will attach the report file later too. Appreciate for anyone who can help with this issue.




Dear all, please kindly find the attached report for your reference too.  Thank you so much for all your support.


Hi All,  I am sorry after detail testing and checking myself, I think I have mistake of grouping the data without my expectation.  Hence, some values are not shown as expected value, so the captured data is not correct.   The Min. & Max functions are no problem at all.

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @martinma!
