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I have made an action in Customiztion Project Editor to print a custom report from Invoice screen, but I am unable to add that action to a mass action on a GI.  I can add an action to the GI through the Automation Steps screen that does show on the mass actions in a GI,  but I can’t add the custom report to the action.  Does anyone know if this is possible and where i can find some documentation on this?  Thank you. 

I figured this one out …. In the “Fill Values” you have to type @reportID 

I figured this one out …. In the “Fill Values” you have to type @reportID 


hi Alicia, was this on 2021R1? i cannot see the report option within automation steps anymore?

Hi Matthew,


I was actually in 2020R2 , but it did not show the report option when you click Fill Values.  You have to click Fill Values and then manually type in the @reportID.  However when I look at my 2021R1 it looks like they have moved even more automation steps to the new workflow engine, and i have yet to figure out how to add my custom reports to the new workflow engine. 


This is my 2021R1

