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In the SOShipLine table, there is a field used on the Shipments screen called OrigOrderQty.



I want to use that field on a pick-list report that can be printed for each shipment.  When I try to add this field, it’s not available.  The SOShipLine DAC shows the field as being available, but it’s not found on the table in REPORT DESIGNER.  Why is that?



Hi @steveruss , maybe you can try to reload the table by click refactor because from my report, this field still show as normal


Hi @steveruss , maybe you can try to reload the table by click refactor because from my report, this field still show as normal


Hi @steveruss t was the refresh all that was need. 

Please try and let me know.


@steveruss  Please find the below steps to reload the fields

  1. Open the Report Designer
  2. Click on File → Build Schema
  3. And enter the Logins and click on the Refresh All to reload the fields.


Thanks.  I attempted the Refresh All yesterday and I wasn’t getting the missing data field.  Today, after opening the Report Builder, I entered my login credentials and then selected Refresh and the missing fields appeared!

Hi @steveruss ,

As above mentioned by @Naveen Boga , I have followed that steps and simply do the

  • Refresh All → Apply → Ok .
  • Refresh the report.
  • In the expression editor. under SOShipLine table, OrigOrderQty field getting displayed as below screenshot.





I am having difficulties with the report designer finding attributes I created for stock items.   I have successfully completed the below steps of Building The Schema and then Refresh All to load the records but the Attributes do not show up.     I actually completed the same process in our Test Tennant last week with no issues,  but today I am trying to implement in our production tennant and it is not working.  Is there something else I should be looking at?



@steveruss  Please find the below steps to reload the fields

  1. Open the Report Designer
  2. Click on File → Build Schema
  3. And enter the Logins and click on the Refresh All to reload the fields.





I got this to work.  For some reason the schema was not reloading. I added another “dummy” attribute in the system, added it to a item class and then refreshed the Schema and magically all of my attributes showed up in the report designer.  I have since deleted the “Dummy” attribute and everything appears to be fine.
