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The aim of this topic is to figure out to call “Process” and "Processing All" from code and retrieve data from Checks and Applications entity

Currently, I extract data when the user press button “save” at tab Checks and Applications and generates file

 I need to do the same by, making my solution triggered by buttons “Process” and "Processing All"

Can you, please, suggest how to call these events ?

You would have to intercept the processing delegate, normally you would do that via the Initialize method in a graph extension but it looks like this processing screen sets the delegate on the Row Selected event so you would want to override that. Code sample below.

    public class ReleasePaymentsExt : PXGraphExtension<APReleaseChecks>
public static bool IsActive() => true;
public void ReleaseChecksFilter_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected baseMethod)
baseMethod(sender, e);

var baseDelegate = (PXProcessingBase<APPayment>.ProcessListDelegate)Base.APPaymentList.GetProcessDelegate();

Base.APPaymentList.SetProcessDelegate((List<APPayment> payments) =>
//Your Code Here



Hi @markusray17

thank you for the provided code 

Its equivalent for the Acumatica version 22r2 as it would be ?
