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I have a user uploading an Excel file into the journal transaction screen. If a subaccount in the file is inactive in Acumatica, it automatically changes to the subaccount of previous line. No warning or anything. 


I tried recreating in my local test environment, and instead I get an error that subaccount is inactive. I don’t see any relevant differences in the settings. Anyone seen this or have an idea how to solve?


Unfortunately upgrade was delayed so I can’t submit case with Acumatica. 

Hi @jhouser 

Is it updating the default sub account? 


@manikantad18 Good thought, but no, their default subaccount is empty. 

Hi @jhouser 

Can you show the error message and the screen you are trying to upload to?

@kandybeatty49 Hi Kandy. There is no error message, which is the problem. I can’t provide a useful screenshot without showing data, but it is the Journal Transactions screen. Example of the problem below:


Excel file uploaded to make a journal entry has two lines, on with subaccount 100, second with subaccount 200. Sub 200 is inactive in Acumatica. When uploaded, second subaccount changes to 100. No error message or warning. 


In my test environment an upload with inactive subaccount errors in that field, as I would expect it to. But not in production environment as described above. 

Hello @jhouser ,

Does the site have customzations?  If so, do you see the same behavior with customizations temporarily un-published?

Is your test environment the same version as the site with import issues?


Hi @jhouser were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@Chris Hackett No, we’re going to see if it’s fixed after upgrade. Thanks.

@Laura02 The issue was caused by customization. Thanks!
